Empire Trade - for Business, for Lifestyle, for You

International Trading

Empire Trade is an international exchange with a presence in several overseas countries. You can view international and national locations and contact details from here.

Members are encouraged to trade internationally and we have created a subsite specifically to assist members to import products from Vietnam. We aim to do away with the middle man so members can import goods at wholesale prices and with a healthy trade component

Members who are travelling overseas to countries were Empire Trade is established can contact their National Head Office to request a special International Empire Trade Cheque Book. The member must have 200 trade credits in their account for each cheque slip issued. A member must also establish a direct debit authority for automatic payment of transaction fees incurred on international transactions, or must pay the transaction fees in advance when the cheque book is issued.

Regardless of which country the member travels to, they simply complete each cheque slip in the currency of the country where they are purchasing, remembering to include the currency symbol, and give the cheque to the seller, as they would in their home country.

The Seller is responsible for obtaining any authorisation required under their National Trading Rules.

Cheques must be forwarded to the national head office within 14 days of receipt. At the time of processing, the exchange rate is drawn from the reputable, live currency site, www.xe.com.

In order to minimise the impact of fluctuations in the exchange rate, international cheques are valid for 3 months only from the date of issue. Where cheques are received after the 14 day period, any loss due to a variation in the exchange rate may be carried by the seller.

Full details of the international transaction are displayed on the member’s statement of account which can be viewed online. Statements are also mailed, or emailed monthly to members.

An international transaction fee of 1% plus tax may apply.