E Planet Trade - For Business, For Life Style, For you

Membership Benefits

E Planet Trade facilitates the exchange of goods and services amongst its Members. Members with the E Planet Advantage gain the opportunity to:

With an international membership in the tens of thousands, when you become a member of E Planet Trade, your client based has just increased dramatically. If you are a new business, you already have an established market in which to promote your goods and services, a market in which customers are seeking your goods and services.
E Planet Trade Members will trade within the E Planet Trade membership to obtain the goods and services they require for business and lifestyle. Your market share will therefore increase in an area to which you previously did not have access. And because E Planet Trade makes it easy for its Members to improve their financial situation, their trading capacity will also increase.
There will always be institutions, such as banks and government agencies, that do not offer alternatives to cash payment. You are able to conserve cash income for these expenses by trading in E Planet Trade Dollars for goods and services available through our Members. Members prefer to use trade dollars for their purchases where possible. Our Members find that because of the E Planet Trade Services, they can purchase property or expand their business using E Planet Trade Dollars, where the cash would not otherwise have been available. Trading through E Planet Trade opens up numerous avenues for growth and allows members to take advantage of opportunities as they arise by removing the problem of restricted cash flow.
By using E Planet Trade Dollars to obtain the usual goods and services required to meet business needs, you reduce the costs associated with using cash. The bottom line is increased net profit. Impress clients with promotional packages using Member goods and services. Again by not expending cash, your costs reduce and profit increases.
E Planet Trade will promote your goods and services amongst its Members through local and national directories. E Planet Trade also provides brochure mailouts, email promotions, a World Wide Web page on the Internet, trading nights, office display, and breakfast meetings. E Planet Trade Members will also promote your goods and services by word of mouth because they have benefited from trading with your business. Our advertising and dynamic membership drives will also promote your business to those outside our Member circle.
Because you are conserving the cash portion of your income, the trading portion will allow your budget to include Member services you might normally forego – a dinner for two at a romantic
Ever wanted the security of investment property but know the conventional banking institutions will not support your request for finance. By utilising the E Planet Trade system, you can take
Our range of ‘easy to access’ services provide
If you have E Planet Trade credits, you would seek out other businesses who accept E Planet Trade with whom to do business. You would want to spend your E Planet Trade first, conserving your cash for other expenses.
Well, those other members will be seeking your business out for the very same reason. Customer loyalty is paramount and it works both ways. As a member of E Planet Trade, you have a wide and varied membership base of businesses with whom you can carry out business.

Through these Member services:

  • Member's Directory of goods and services available in hardcopy and online.
  • World Wide Web Internet page promoting your business.
  • An established market for your goods and services.
  • Online Internet transactions and account information.
  • Warehouse space for display and sale of goods and services.
  • Free trade nights and promotional events.
  • E Planet Trader - your exchange newsletter

The E Planet Advantage

The exchange of goods and services is a familiar concept. Our ancestors traded this way to obtain those goods and services they could not produce for themselves. The currency system was then introduced to facilitate standardised trading. E Planet Trade offers you further trading alternatives outside the currency system to provide you with an advantage over business competitors who limit themselves to cash trading.

If you would like to discuss how E Planet Trade can benefit you and your business, email us or call +60 [3] 7781 0233 to arrange an appointment with one of our trained E Planet Trade Consultants.