E Banc Trade - Business

Internationaal Traden

E Banc Trade is een Internationale Trade exchange met meer dan 18000 aangesloten bedrijven.

E Banc Trade leden die willen Exporteren of Importeren klik op: Import/Export of neem contact op met E Banc Trade Nederland.

Member businesses can also advertise on the international online classifieds listings on the E Banc Trade website, and their goods or services can be promoted to Exchange members around the world.

Product available for Importing

Below are products available to import from exchange members around the world. This list is still in its infancy and will grow as more members provide details of product available. Members who wish to include product here should contact info@hq.etxint.com with details of product, prices, availabiity, trade component and pictures where possible.

Spain is well know as a manufacturer of shoes, particularly in the area of Alicante / Elche where our Spanish Head Office is located. One member has a quantity of shoes available for import. They come in varying quantities, sizes and colours, boxed in cartons holding 12 pairs of mixed sizes. Samples of some of these shoes are on display at the Warehouse of the Australian head office on the Sunshine Coast.