E Banc Trade - for Business

Ad Subsidy

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E Banc Trade is happy to assist members with their advertising costs when they comply with the following subsidy guidelines.

All advertisements must have E Banc Trade’s standard logo and URL www.ebanctrade.com, with the words, Welcome Here, displayed. Our corporate colours are: PMS 021 Orange; PMS 280 Blue. Contact subsidy@be.ebanctrade.com for logo artwork, or go to image.

An outline of the advertisement, or final copy, is required to confirm the subsidy amount prior to printing or airing. As paid advertising only will be subsidised, a copy of the advertiser’s paid account must be submitted. The approved amount of subsidy will not be greater than an amount equal to 50% of the last 12 months trade credit turnover of the member applying for the subsidy. New members will be assessed individually.

The subsidy will be paid in trade credits inc GST:

Printed ads, Leaflets, Flyers, Brochures, Magazines, Newspapers, Signage, Business Cards, etc., attract a 20 - 35% subsidy. 20% for mono or black and white small size. Up to 35% may be paid if the E Banc Trade logo is displayed in corporate colours and is a reasonable size.

The subsidy is negotiable for full-page advertisements and large display signage, but will not be greater than 50% of the last 12 months trade dollar turnover.

Web Pages:

The E Banc Trade Logo linked to www.ebanctrade.com: up to $250 trade subsidy for splash page and/or home page. Details of the benefits to E Banc Trade members must be displayed on the website. There is an additional $50 trade per page for subsequent pages that display the official E Banc Trade logo. Members currently displaying the logo can apply for a subsidy payment in arrears. Subsidy paid will not be greater than 50% of the last 12 months trade dollar turnover.

Television and Cinema Ads:

Attract a minimum of 20% and up to a maximum of 40% if the “E Banc Trade logo, URL” and the words "Welcome Here" are on screen for the full duration of the televised advertisement as a full width banner. Logo, URL and 'Welcome Here' must be displayed and easily recognisable. Size and position is at your discretion, however, the maximum subsidy will only be paid if the preferred banner is used, but will not be greater than 50% of the last 12 months trade credit turnover.

Radio Ads:

All subsidies are decided on an individual basis. The member requesting the subsidy must provide a copy of the advertiser’s paid account verifying the advertising amount, and a tax invoice (BTW inc) to receive the subsidy.

Please contact Head Office, subsidy@be.ebanctrade.com or telephone + 36 1 489 00 49, to discuss your E Banc Trade advertising subsidy.